Rodent Proofing & Cleanup

Step 2 – Rodent Proofing & Cleanup

At Prestige Rodent Proofing, we understand that effective structural sealing is a crucial step in keeping your home free from rodent infestations. Our skilled technicians follow a meticulous process to identify and seal off potential entry points, preventing rodents from accessing your property. Here’s an overview of our structural sealing process:

  1. Inspection: Our team will conduct a thorough inspection of your property, both indoors and outdoors, to identify any openings, gaps, cracks, or vulnerable areas where rodents can enter. We use specialized tools and techniques to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

  2. Entry Point Identification: We will carefully examine areas such as foundation vents, gaps around pipes and utility lines, damaged screens, gaps in doors and windows, crawl spaces, and roof eaves. Our goal is to locate all potential entry points that rodents may exploit.
  3. Sealing Materials: Based on the size and location of the identified entry points, we select appropriate sealing materials. These may include wire mesh, steel wool, caulking, expanding foam, weatherstripping, and other durable and rodent-resistant materials.
  4. Structural Sealing: Our technicians will skillfully seal off all identified entry points using construction grade materials. This process involves filling gaps, covering holes, repairing damaged screens, reinforcing vulnerable areas, and ensuring a secure and tight seal.
  5. Exclusion Measures: In addition to sealing off entry points, we may also implement exclusion measures to further deter rodents. This may include installing door sweeps, chimney caps, vent covers, and mesh barriers to prevent rodents from re-entering your home.
  6. Quality Assurance: We take pride in our workmanship and attention to detail. Our technicians will ensure that the structural sealing is performed to the highest standards, leaving no room for rodents to penetrate your home.
  7. Cleanup: As part of our service, we will clean up any debris or remnants left behind from the sealing process. We believe in leaving your property in a clean and tidy condition.
  8. Follow-up Inspection: After the structural sealing is completed, we may conduct a follow-up inspection to ensure that all entry points have been effectively sealed. This allows us to address any potential gaps or areas that may require further attention at which time your rodent reduction service plan starts.

At Prestige Rodent Proofing, we prioritize the long-term success of our structural sealing process. By combining our expertise, quality materials, and meticulous approach, we aim to provide you with a rodent-free environment that lasts. Trust us to safeguard your home through our effective structural sealing techniques.


Contact us today to take advantage of Prestige Rodent Proofing’s exclusive Rodent Reduction Service Plan!